Carri R. Crum, County Auditor
Clay County Auditor's Office
211 W Main St, Suite 200
Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 677-7120
Fax: (605) 677-6970
Nicole Klunder, Chief Deputy Auditor
Emily Thompson, Deputy Auditor
What does the County Auditor do? Click to find out!
If you are interested in an absentee ballot, please fill out the linked Absentee Ballot Application and either get the request notarized OR send a copy of SD Drivers License, US Military ID, US Passport, or another acceptable form of identification listed on the absentee form. Only military, overseas citizens, and spouses and dependents of military or overseas citizens are omitted from the ID requirement. An Absentee Ballot Application is still necessary. Regarding returning voted ballots, per SDCL 12-19-7, "The voter shall either mail the ballot, deliver it in person or have it delivered to the person in charge of the election." Absentee ballots left in the courthouse drop box will not be counted.